World Pipelines Magazine celebrates #GLAD24

World Pipelines Magazine celebrates #GLAD24 - image

World Pipelines Magazine celebrates #GLAD24

Elizabeth Corner, senior editor, World Pipelines Magazine has worked in the pipeline industry for almost 20 years and seen many changes over the years. But the one thing that hasn't changed is the focus on safety and how to make oil and gas pipeline operations safer, which is why they are supporting #GLAD24 today (July 18).

“We've been supporting LEEA for a while now and following what it does and so Global Lifting Awareness Day is something we've come into contact with for the last couple of years and we're really happy to promote the event and broaden awareness of lifting across lots of different sectors,” she said.

“What we appreciate about GLAD is the proactivity it allows in educating yourself and your teams to lift safely and highlighting what all the different sectors might do to lift safely and encourage sharing of best practise, which is something we do at World Pipelines.

“The pipeline industry is an industry that uses lifting all the time. So sections of pipeline need to be lifted up and moved from one position to another, whether that's from a storage position onto a materials handling vehicle. And then once you get to site, they need to be lifted off a vehicle and onto a stack or into a trench. So these sections of pipeline are really heavy. So that means we need to pay a lot of attention to safety and accuracy.

“For our community of readers, our oil and gas pipeline readers, safety is obviously at the forefront of everything that we do and lifting heavy bits of pipeline and steel tubes is really important to us. So that's why we're supporting GLAD and on the day itself, we will be highlighting all of your messages and making sure that we get them out across our social media, but we'll also be posting on social media our top 10 lifting related articles that we've published in World Pipelines magazine so we'll be showcasing all sorts of stories; project stories on site safety and looking at new technologies that are coming into place in the pipeline industry, such as vacuum lifting or to help people learn about how to lift carefully but also lift safely and with accuracy.”

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