Nuclear Lifting
Nuclear Lifting 2022, takes place on 16 November 2022 at the Emirates Old Trafford Cricket Ground, Manchester. Returning to its live, in-person format, the event is dedicated to supporting engineers and professionals involved in lifting projects across the nuclear sector, covering operational, new build and decommissioned sites.
Join the seminar in Manchester to understand how to carry out safe, compliant lifting projects in this sector. Attendees can learn the lessons from recent lifting projects, explore long-term strategies, develop unique safety cases and identify cost-effective designs that meet regulated standards. Presenters confirmed for 2022 include Atkins Global, Sellafield Sites, AFRY Solutions, Babcock International and more.
Discount for LEEA members: chose the Supporting Organisation rate at the event website or contact Event Enquiries at eventenquiries@imeche.org and mention your LEEA membership. Further information on the event can be found at https://events.imeche.org