Be included on the GLAD Calendar of Content
On Global Lifting Awareness Day (GLAD), which takes place on 8 July 2021, the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) will be hosting a ‘Calendar of Content’ to ensure that the whole day, right across the globe, will be full of messages promoting Lifting on social media.
The Association is encouraging companies, organisations and individuals that are part of the broad Lifting Industry to volunteer and produce their content for scheduling on the calendar.
LEEA content being scheduled will include live broadcasts by the Association’s CEO, Ross Moloney, as well as LEEA’s Technical Team. The Association’s End User Guidance training will be introduced, with a couple of mini-sessions being run. LEEA will also premier two films: a short introduction to the Association and an animated film explaining the COPSULE.
Ross Moloney said: “GLAD is NOT about selling a company and its products or services. What DOES need to be shared is content aimed at raising the profile and awareness of the industry globally, which is of interest to all. Great examples would be pre-filmed videos showcasing the factories in which equipment is produced, spotlighting inspections or ‘Q&As’ from trade bodies and institutions. Training providers might wish to highlight the importance of training or run short refresher/introductory courses. These are just a few ideas but I am confident that you will have many more novel ways to shine the light on our industry.”
Getting the message to End Users in all the industries and applications where lifting is involved will be a vital objective for GLAD. Ross Moloney said: “We want End Users to learn about our industry and the crucial role we perform supporting not only their productivity, but also their safety. GLAD will be a day where we raise broad awareness of the industry and the importance of high standards within it.”
To provide content to be scheduled, publicised and shared in the Calendar of Content, contact: events@leeaint.com