Zoom into June
In the lockdown period, LEEA’s e-learning offer has been of particular value to many of our members. All of our courses are now available online and the LEEA Board has sanctioned a 25% reduction in e-learning fees for April and May (rising to 30 discount for 5 courses or more).
This price reduction continues and we encourage members across the globe to take advantage of the offer.
Rescheduling face to face physical training is proving problematic. The premises are ready, we have taken all possible measures to mitigate risk and the team are ready to go.
However, we recognise that many of our members have staff on furlough and we are exploring how to deliver training in relation to the physical challenges, whilst also doing everything we can to manage the costs.
Consequently, LEEA is delighted to announce that week commencing June 1st and also June 8th we will be delivering our Foundation course by ZOOM.
Prior to the Covid-19 lockdown, LEEA had been testing and trialing training via video link. Our first live test happened in March and since then the team have been working on improvements and enhancements.
Beginning on June 1st students can undertake a 4 day Foundation course where our trainers will deliver our courses in person, but using ZOOM technology. Regular breaks will be worked into the schedule. The course is a day longer than usual but has shortened hours running from 9am until 3pm with regular breaks.
We will issue an email invitation and students simply have to have a lap top or tablet, with a web camera function. They simply click on the link and then enter the classroom.
This class is taught in real time by one of our trainers. It feels like a real life classroom environment but without any need for travel or overnight stays. In this sense we believe it is an attractive option for students for whom e-learning is not the right solution and companies who are looking to be careful with training budgets.
The price per delegate for our ZOOM Foundation Course is £395 + VAT. However, booking for our June courses comes with the current Covid-19 25% discount, meaning the actual price is £296.25 + VAT. We hope this is an attractive option to our membership.
Please be aware that this offer is also available to non UK members but the timings are on BST.
Booking for the course is by the usual method. The course is on the website and the option is now on our course booking forms.
On receipt of payment, students will receive relevant class materials by PDF along with the invitation link to join the meeting.
If you have any questions please contact Andrew.Wright@leeaint.com